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At Lavendon School, sport and physical exercise is integral to our children’s well-being and so is prominent in our curriculum.  Our curriculum develops a range of skills and covers a variety of sports including football, hockey, basketball, handball, golf, cricket and tag rugby. We teach gymnastics, dance and swimming as well as providing daily opportunities for active play to enhance well-being and readiness for learning. At Lavendon we aims to inspire all pupils to develop a love of physical activity and sport.

Specialist teachers enhance our sports provision and we strive to provide numerous opportunities for our children to be involved in representing our school in events in the local community such as cross country and athletics. In addition to this, we offer children the chance to take part in residential visits and day visits providing a range of physical character building challenges and skills which they may not have access to or develop in school. 

We promote positive attitudes towards sport and value achievements both within and outside the school day. We believe our children should have a competitive spirit but also recognise the importance of fair play and enjoyment of physical activity and knowledge of healthy living as a whole. 

Our aim is to create children who are naturally active and enjoy taking part in sporting activity both in and out of school. 

We have strong links with local clubs and partnerships within our community to ensure pupils receive opportunities to access physical activity and competition including cross country, football and athletics.