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Local Governing Body


Date of appointment

Term of office

Who appointed


Pecuniary interests


Attendance at FGB meetings (/6)


Mr Griffiths

Chair of Governors


Pay Committee/HT Appraisal




Director of pre school 

FGB- 6/6

Mrs Bowler

Vice Chair

Curriculum Lead Governor



Governing Board


FGB-  6/6

Mrs Watson





Member of school based staff 

FGB- 6/6

Mrs Capp 




Governing Board 


FGB- 2/6

Mrs Coleman




Governing Board 


FGB- 5/6

Mrs King 


16.03.23 15.03.27 Governing Board  SLT at another school 

FGB- 3/6

Miss Emerson

Staff Governor





Member of school based staff 


Mrs Crook

Associate Governor



Governing Board

Associate member

member of school based staff 

FGB- 3/6

Reverend Lake  



Governing Board


FGB- 4/6

Ms Hare 





Governing Board



Miss Szmak






FGB 4/6

Mr Biddle 



Parent Governor 




Miss King 

Deputy Headteacher 





FGB 6/6


Claire King 

I currently have one child who attends the school and another starting in September. I am a deputy headteacher in another primary school in Milton Keynes, which I hope will bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding to my role as a governor. Through the skills I have learnt from this role, along with my passion that all children should be given the opportunity to have the best education, I hope to support the school with continuing to deliver an excellent education for all its pupils.

Richard Lake

This is my first time as a school governor, but I'm excited to see how I can help and support the school through my time as a governor. I'm married, have a teenage son and have taken quite a scenic route through life.

I have been the minister at Lavendon Baptist Church since 2018, taking on the role while completing my training at the University of Oxford. Following the completion of my studies, I was ordained as a Baptist Minister in 2019 and continue to minister/pastor at the Baptist Church. My only experience of governorship previously was while at Oxford and sitting as an elected rep on the College's governing body.

Prior to training for ministry, I have been involved in youth work, ran a small photography company and been a stay at home dad. This was following an earlier career in management consultancy. In my consultancy years, I was responsibly for a number of significant projects in the financial services industry focussing on business change, operational effectiveness and customer management.

Outside of work, I enjoy photography, golf and spending time with friends and family.

Nick Biddle

I have lived in the village for 10 years now and both my daughters attend Lavendon School (years 4 and 2) and really enjoy it. I run my own IT consulting company providing support to a wide range of industries, from automotive coatings to community support charities in London. In the past I have worked as a lighting designer and engineer for theatrical shows and tours around the world. I have been lucky enough to represent the UK in world theatre festivals. More recently I have lost many hours to building, racing and fixing a race car with my brother. We have even managed to win a few championships between us over the years. It's been great to see my daughters taking an interest, they really enjoy being in the paddock on race days getting their hands dirty helping. I hope a sa governor I can use my experience and knowledge to support the school in continuing to provide the best school experience it can for the children.

Lucy Coleman

I currently have one child who attends the school, and I am excited to be part of the governing body at Lavendon School. Having been in the teaching  profession for 14 years now; I have had many different roles and responsibilities, which I hope will bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding to my role as a governor. These have included the position of Assistant Headteacher and SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) of a primary school in Northamptonshire, where I led the inclusion and welfare aspect of the school's provision. I have lived locally for the majority of my life and attended local schools as a child. I am thrilled to get the opportunity to support Mrs Watson, and the other members of the governing body, to ensure the smooth running and progress of the school for the pupils in it and for the community that it serves.

Anna Szmak

Polish-born, moved to Northampton in 2004, former primary teacher, now stay-at-home mum to two beautiful girls, aged 15 and 8. Living in England has been an exciting and challenging journey. I have moved around a few times and had various jobs, including running my own business. I am very glad to call Lavendon home now. I am passionate about helping young people achieve their highest potential, and I am very excited to have joined the governing body at Lavendon School.

Mike Griffiths

Father of 4 children, the youngest still at home (just). He began his education at Lavendon School passing through each of the 7 years before attending Ousedale and Northampton University. I have lived in th village for 25 years and a governor at the school since 2010. Chair of Governors since 2015. I am a director of the Lavendon Pavilion pre-school.

Former Printer and National Trade Union Officer I formed my own company in 2010 which no longer requires much of my time. Retirement has given me the opportunity to pursue other interests with sailing and tennis foremost amongst them. I work closely with the governors, parents and our headteacher in enquiring we achieve the best education and development opportunities for our pupils.

Amanda Capp

My name is Amanda Capp, and I am the mother of four children, three of whom have flown the nest to lead their own lives, leaving just my youngest still at home. Having started out as a research scientist working in cancer research, I retrained as a primary teacher and went on to become a deputy headteacher. In 2021, I decided to change the way I work, so started my own business which focuses on education, both for adults and children. This means I am still having the privilege of teaching youngsters whilst also having the time to work with trainee teachers, supporting our next generation of educationalists to achieve their dream.

With (a little) more time on my hands, I decided to become a school governor for Lavendon. My decision was partly due to my desire to give 'something back' and also due to the fact that your strap line of 'Happy School, Happy Children; Achieving Excellence in Education' aligns with my own ethos and beliefs. With my experience in school leadership and curriculum development, I hope to be able to play a supportive role for Lavendon School while working closely with staff and children.

When not working, much of my spare time is taken up with walking and looking after my working cocker spaniel. Jarvis keeps me healthy and active. I also love to read and enjoy the cinema and theatre.

Emma Hare

I have now lived in the village for almost ten years.  My son was born in 2018 and has grown up here and now attends Lavendon School.  He loves school and has already learnt so much and made many friends.  It's a lovely school with great values, and I was happy to join the school community and become a Governor.  I hope to help the school to maintain its excellent track record and be a place where the children and teachers are happy, safe and achieving their goals.  Outside my Governor role, I have worked in marketing for over 15 years, and will be able to use the skills learnt throughout my career to support the school moving forward.

Beth Emerson

I currently teach at Lavendon school and have done since leaving university in 2019. I am the Staff Governor, and I wanted to become a governor to gain a better insight to how the school is run to further my professional development. Through the role so far, I have earned about the school budgets and the way that the governors monitor the school's teachers and data. I hope to continue to build on my understanding of monitoring and help the school achieve their goals

Isabelle Bowler

I have been a Governor for Lavendon School since 2019. I have two children, one in Year 3 and Reception.  I grew up in Lavendon myself and now having moved back to the village with my family, I am proud to be one of the governors and to be able to be part of a strong and supportive school community. Having been a teacher for over ten years and currently teaching locally, I have a strong understanding of the curriculum and enjoy being able to support the school to continue to deliver an excellent education to its pupils.