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At Lavendon School our mission is for all of our children to become responsible citizens of tomorrow. We know that an essential part of this mission is the effective study and reflective learning of History. Through following the Dimensions “Learning means the World” curriculum, our pupils will develop their own cultural capital and take part in discussions around what it is to be a good UK and global citizen. History introduces pupils to diversity within different societies and the relationships between different groups overtime, challenging them to view events from different time periods and perspectives. Leading eventually to greater empathy and understanding if events and situations. Our curriculum enables pupils to:

• Gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the history of Britain and the wider world

• Explore cause and consequence, identifying catalysts for change, the effects on society and reasons for developments

• Be inspired, be curious, ask questions and think critically

• Recognise similarities and differences between periods of time and to see how the past has shaped the present

• Analyse sources of evidence, developing their historical knowledge and skills and to piece together the information to understand the past.

• Develop an understanding of chronology, and to see the ‘big picture’, allowing them to make connections between different periods of the past and the present We will do this by: We aim to foster a strong sense of chronology within our children, teaching them how to place people, events or eras on to a historical timeline. Time related vocabulary is used within all of our history teaching from Reception to Year Six to enable our children to speak with confidence when comparing time periods, vocabulary increasing with complexity as children move up through the school.

  • Ensure coverage is cross checked between the Dimensions “leaning means the world” curriculum against the National Curriculum.  Gaps identified are taught through ‘competency units’, which are part of our long-term plans.
  • Use Skills Ladders to demonstrate an incremental model for the acquisition of skills, providing a benchmark for each year group and modelling the progression throughout the school.  The increasing complexity of the skills should ensure children make good progress.
  • Use Knowledge Building Pillars as our robust model for the progression of knowledge and understanding in history. Children are supported and challenged to learn and compare knowledge across different historical contexts.

At Lavendon School our mission is for all of our children to become responsible citizens of tomorrow.  We know that an essential part of this mission is the effective study and reflective learning of History.

Through following Dimensions’ “Learning means the World” curriculum, our pupils will develop their own cultural capital and take part in discussions around what it is to be a good UK and global citizen.  History introduces pupils to diversity within different societies and the relationships between different groups overtime, challenging them to view events from different time periods and perspectives.  

We aim to foster a strong sense of chronology within our children, teaching them how to place people, events or eras on to a historical timeline. Time related vocabulary is used within all of our history teaching from Reception to Year Six to enable our children to speak with confidence when comparing time periods, vocabulary increasing with complexity as children move up through the school.


We provide our children with first-hand experiences of history including:

  • History off the page 
  • Wild West Day 
  • Bletchley Park Trip 
  • MK Museum
  • Local Visitors
  • Trips around our local area