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Religious Education (RE) makes a major contribution to the education of our children here in Lavendon School. It helps pupils develop knowledge and understanding of religion and of the differing religions and non-religious beliefs represented in Great Britain today. As such, RE helps to promote the virtues of respect, tolerance and empathy, which are so important in our diverse society today.  RE helps children to ask and think about challenging questions raised through the study of religion and enables them to develop reasoning and take part in debate.  RE gives significant opportunities for our children to think about their own experiences, feelings, beliefs and values. As a result, RE is intellectually challenging, academically rigorous and personally enriching.

RE is provided for all children in our school as required by the Education Act 1996.  

It is taught according to the Milton Keynes Agreed Syllabus for RE which is the Statutory Order.

In accordance with statutory orders, an Agreed Syllabus must reflect the fact that religious traditions in 

Great Britain are in the main Christian, whilst taking account of the teachings and practices of other principal religions represented in Great Britain. The RE we teach is nondenominational and not designed to urge a particular religion or belief on pupils. As such RE is open to all children from all religious traditions and non-religious worldviews.

RE makes a significant contribution to our wider school aims and values

In RE, our children learn about and encounter people from a wide variety of faiths and beliefs. As a result children develop respect, tolerance and friendship.

Organisation of RE at Lavendon School

RE is taught by Class Teachers / Higher Level Teaching Assistants. 

All classes are taught RE throughout the year.

Teachers organise their RE teaching so that sufficient time is given to the teaching of RE to ensure the programmes of study are covered and pupils can make real progress

Scheme of Work

Here at Lavendon School we have planned Religious Education to ensure children can build up a picture of Christianity and some of the other principal faiths represented in Great Britain.

Children in Early Years Foundation Stage will be introduced to aspects of religions through topics about belonging, times of celebration and special objects, people and books. These topics will use examples from Christianity and other religions, as appropriate.

Throughout the rest of the primary phase, pupils will build up an increasingly clear and detailed picture of:

  • Christianity (taught throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2)
  • Judaism , Islam (Key Stage 1)
  • Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism (Key Stage 2).

These religions are mainly taught in separate units so that pupils do not become confused.

Older children do study some units which help them look at a theme across more than one religion e.g. care for others, the importance of rituals, how religions care for the environment.

Children in each year group have the opportunity to build up their knowledge and understanding of Christmas and Easter in the Christian tradition by studying different aspects of these festivals each year.

The RE plan also enables pupils to develop knowledge and understanding of religion in the local area through:

  • Visits to religious places in the local are
  • Visitors from local religious organsations

Please see the attached Long Term Plan / Curriculum Map at the bottom of the page to see what pupils will study in RE each year.

Right of Withdrawal

In line with the Education Act, parents have the right to withdraw their children from some or all of Religious Education. The Head Teacher will invite parents to discuss their concerns and issues.  The school has a duty to supervise children at this time but not to provide alternative work or teaching.