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At Lavendon School we value the importance of learning a foreign language. We feel it is an important part of being a member of a multi-cultural society as it provides children with an opening to other cultures and allows them to see, value and learn about other societies.

French is the key language taught from Year 3-6. These lessons focus on immersing them in the language and culture of France. In Lower Key Stage 2, the children learn through songs and familiar stories. They learn simple greetings and key phrases. The majority of their work is around building confidence around speaking and listening skills. In Upper Key Stage 2, this confidence is built upon and there is a greater focus on reading and writing in French too.

Where possible, we bring the learning back to the children and always endeavour to make it realistic and purposeful through reading familiar stories such as, La chenille qui fait des trous (The Very Hungry Caterpillar), or learning parts of the body, which also links to learning in science.

We see language teaching in our school as the foundation for learning further languages and hope that we provide the foundations for our children to go forward with their studies through secondary education.