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Eco Warriors

About Us

Meet Our Team:

Lucy, Sophie, Esperance, Sadie, Alexis, Daisy, Isla, Jess, Tilly


I’m Sadie. I started the eco club in September 2022. I did an assembly with a PowerPoint asking for entry slips for the eco club. Alexis and Isla in year 6 and Esperance and Lucy in year 5. We have meetings every week and in these weekly meetings we made a plan to make an eco friendly area. All of our members are very passionate about our environment in many various ways.

Eco-friendly area in Lavendon

Firstly, we had to think about what we were going to do in this eco area. All of my team took part in creating ways to make our school more echo friendly. We had the perfect spot for an eco area. It was good, spacious and a perfect place to grow flowers.  Mr Pervis who does forest school and gardening club had a spare flower bed on the side of the year 6 classroom that eco club are deciding to renovate.


Money doesn't grow on trees, so we had to do fundraising. We made a stall at the school fair and made cookies to decorate and stick decorations, doing that we raised a total of £35. This money is going to go towards some wild flowers in the dedicated flower bed.